Major Project Pre-Production | Documentary Research - Mother - Short Documentary

You really can't faulty the amazing talent found on Vimeo, yet again another touching documentary that I couldn't stop watching. This one in particular really touched me since I can relate to the situation. It is a touching story about an older woman who is really uncared for in a family home, older woman in Poland are always forgotten about or not cared about which is the sad truth in a lot of countries.

This documentary did not have much commentary which made the story play on your emotions a lot more with the sounds and atmosphere around you. The focus is mainly on the older woman, you can feel her pain through the screen. The way she sits, the way she doesn't bother moving. No-one will speak to her or ask her how she is. One thing that really struck me in this documentary is the excessive ambient sounds, it really sets the scene.

You have a lot of close ups and extreme close ups that focus on a lot of details such as feet, hands, eyes, mouth etc. I feel like this is done especially to show the motions the person on screen is going through. Even though we don't get an interview from the main contributor in the documentary, we don't even hear what she has to say. But we automatically know what she is feeling and why we are so invested in her life. Throughout the story I felt so bad for her, the way she just goes by her days doing nothing and being treated like no one is there. The exposure and editing is also very interesting, it's dark and gloomy to set the scene and make it seem sad. This documentary is not well known, but its absolutely eye catching and deserves a lot more credit than it has. After watching this documentary and a few other short documentaries it's given me plenty of ideas on how to film mine, especially with the way the camera moves. Mother also was directed and edited by one person with a very small crew, this makes me very excited in what's to come with my own major project.
Mother from Jakub Piatek on Vimeo.

dir: Jakub Piatek
dop: Michal Stajniak
editing: Jakub Piatek, Anna Dymek
sound: Joanna Popowicz
producer: Mariusz Wlodarski


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