Major Project Pre-Production | Tutorial Feedback

I had a very helpful tutorial with Beth and Simon which helped me outline my story completely and start my script since I was struggling a lot.

Beth thinks that my idea and documentary could be something fantastic, it has a lot of interesting aspects to it as well as a lot of information. The issue I had was that I had so many aspects to my story that I didn't know which one to focus on mainly, I was very confused and stuck until Beth told me what she'd be most interested in. I spoke with documentary maker Helen along side Beth and Simon, she was also very helpful in regards to the way it should be shot.

- Script feedback - What is the story? The best way to be living, what is it? Does the community live in a modern life style or not. Did my father make me pray and be religious or not. Structure the story properly, focus on what the people on screen will say, if the script changes that is absolutely fine - it's a documentary. Reflections on modern life within the documentary, I have to keep the audience engaged throughout.

I need to reveal something that the audience doesn't know, they know what Buddhism is as a religion. My father went on a interesting absurd journey out of the UK? There are so many questions abut his life and how he is living it. I have to figure out why I'm doing this story and what is the background of my decision - visual approach and back up of the decision. Mind-Mapping the elements of my personal journey.

Simon has told me to not include marketing and branding in my pre-production package, it is not necessary. I really need to work on the visual approach and how I will be filming it, one key component I need is a Directors statement - this will explain in full detail of how I want to film the documentary and what visual aspects I will be seeing. Simon also mentioned to take out the storyboard, floor, light plots, production design since it all can be merged into one statement.

I should make my V/o part of the script, making sure I test the way I sound and happy with the outcome.

Filming style / shots - Reflection of the children now, connect it to the present. EMOTIONAL test, why did my father go to that specific place. Simon likes that I have different connections between the family - Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, US.

Amazon Prime is not the correct platform for my documentary - I have to make sure that it fits my criteria, 20 minute documentary.

There is a lot to work on, I have to really develop all of this feedback and contribute it into my own work. I need to now start filming my test shoots as well as developing my Directors statement and research into my key skills. 


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