Major Project - Confirming Contributors and Location

Since the community had been my home for many years I didn't really require any permission from anyone to visit or film at the location as long as my contributors are happy to participate. 

Of course I got in contact with Izabella and Lama Rinchen to double check when they are available for me to visit, I originally wanted to film in February but neither of them were available so we confirmed for March. In regards to my father he had to drive to the community at the best day that suited him, I just had to let him know when would be best. I was very surprised that he agreed since he did not want to film with me in December, that was originally when I was supposed to film his take in the documentary, so I was slightly worried that he wouldn't show. 

I am lucky enough to get Izabella to pick us up from the airport and drop us off as well as organising our stay at the community for the time being which I was very thankful for. Travel has been booked and confirmed so I am very happy with how smooth this process was, usually when working on project I have a lot of problems with contributors and overall travel and payments. 


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