Major Project - Preparing for travel and shoot

Since I am multi-skilling on my production it is crucial that the shoot goes well, I have a crew on hand but all choices will be made by me. Preparing for the shoot is very important and how I act during this project since I cannot organise a re-shoot. Following after my research into the contributors and making sure they are happy to participate I had to confirm that my crew was still happy to go ahead with the trip. I lost 2 crew members throughout the way but I still had 2 guaranteed ones.

I started to feel the pressure of working on my own, I knew I could do it but it started to get to me. Knowing that I have to be in charge of all the roles, Simon did stress this to me but I think I'm going to feel rewarded when I complete my project. 

Budget - My budget was secured since I set up a Go-fund me last years, all travel was paid for and I was happy with the amount of funds that I had to go ahead with. 

Crew - As I mentioned above 2 crew members dropped out on me, but I still have 2 to join me on the trip which I am very grateful for. It will be a little bit harder but nothing I can't manage to do, it is too late to pull away now. 

Equipment - All equipment is booked out and ready for travel. I will be taking the Cannon 6D, Tascam, Aperture Kit, Tripod, Rode Microphone. Ferg spent some time with me explaining exactly how the Tascam is to be used, since I haven't used it myself ever before. 

Schedule & Script - I am currently still struggling with these two as they are one of my weak points. Usually when I work on a project someone is in charge of script writing and preparing schedules but since I am creating the project by myself it is all depended on me. Knowing exactly what I want to film I still have to rely on a somewhat plan just in-case I get lost during filming and need guidance. 


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