Fiction Adaptation - Adaptation Proposal + Research

After choosing my poem 'Trespass' i started to think what kind of a story line i could make out of it. I have been really inspired by one filmmaker on Youtube who creates 'Social Anxiety' and 'Depression' movies. As i said before i really want to express my feelings in this project and i want to connect with my audience very closely. This girl is an absolute genius, i am so inspired by her! All of her videos touch my heart and the colour grading and camera movements just make it even better. I really would like to follow in her foot steps and create something that will feel exactly the same, i want to work hard on this project.

What i like about her videos is that she narrates through-out them so she connect with her audience, i was thinking of doing the same. When she narrates i feel like she is directly speaking to me and connecting with me which is exactly what i want. While picking the poem 'Trespass' i instantly thought of loneliness and sadness, being alone and facing yourself the biggest fear. Sometimes people don't realise what they fear but in the end it's actually them. Trespass also gave me the idea of stepping out of the comfort zone, going somewhere that is not allowed or no-ones ever been. This gives you a little excitement.

Scripts as well as essay writing is my weakest point as a film-maker but i will not let that get in the way of my hard work. I have been planning and re-searching exactly what i want to do for this project, i definitely want to do something that will empower people and give them the confidence that they require. Something that i have been struggling with, i have realised that when filmmakers, authors or anyone uses their own emotions in their work it really speaks to people and changes their mind completely.

When i read through the poem i instantly see,

  • Empty space
  • Trespass sign near deep water
  • Graveyard
  • No path/exit
  • Overcoming fear in 
  • Sunset
I really feel like someone was hurt at the beginning of the poem, left and felt alone but when we read towards the end of the poem it's like they have overcome their fear and became someone new. We all love a happy ending and that is exactly what i see in this poem a happy ending for someone who struggled a lot through their journey of trespassing. I am thinking of filming in a large open space, maybe in a park or an abandoned property i would love to colour grade it to where it looks dark and gloomy at the beginning so we see the pain the character is going through, i want to focus the story on the character being hurt by someone and being left alone. I want to show the emptiness they feel and towards the end i want to really turn it around, i want to include colour and vibrance into the scene to really show the audience what has changed in the characters life. As i said before i want to focus on the editing as well as the filmmaking but i feel like the colour grading will be the KEY to this project. 

Film making is not easy and to create a short 4-5 minute film can take up to weeks! This will be all done by me myself so i really have to put a lot of work into what i'm planning. All of this work will consist of:
  • Research
  • Script writing
  • Directing
  • Filming
  • Hiring actors
  • Editing
  • Lighting
  • Sound
  • Music
  • Narration
Another thing that is key is the sound and lighting, i really wish for this to be narrated and make this more of a short story/film i want to tell a story with this poem because that is what adaptation is about, developing the story that was given to me. I will be starting to create a storyboard + mood-board to really create a perfect vision for myself and what exactly it is i want to achieve with this project, but i already have a great idea in mind.

My script will be consisting of the setting and narration, i hope that will be enough to tell a fantastic story! I will be starting to write my script very early into the planning hopefully this week, i have already started brain storming and looking for locations that would be worthy of the project.


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