Fiction Adaptation - Feedback on 'Trespass'

While talking to Mike we had discussed that my project shouldn't be scripted, it should really come from the heart of someone who has experienced 'Anxiety' and 'Panic Attacks' after i film and shoot my clips i want to re-watch them and get the actor to narrate what she is feeling from heart. I want the audience to understand the pain a person goes through while having this issue, it's not just 'Being Dramatic' it's an actually problem that almost everyone doesn't understand. Mike also wanted to make sure that i don't drift away from the poem too much, i need to also stay focused on the poem and what it is trying to say. My character feels lovely, even though she overcomes it she goes back on her words and feels lonely again, just like the poem towards the end. John Clare must have felt pain writing that poem, he must know the feeling of being alone and strangers frowning upon him; that is exactly what my character is going to feel. I want to make this author proud, i want to really express this poem well and show the audience the meaning of 'Being Alone' and 'Feeling Scared'. 


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