Fiction Adaptation - Camera Movement Workshop
While learning about all the camera movements i started to invest some time to think about what movements would work great with my own adaptation. I think high angels and wide shots will be the ones i use the most! When having a camera movement it can really change the way you think of people, when we watched a video about all the camera movements i learnt a lot of how to portray a character. Mike gave us all a sheet with all the possible camera movements you can use while filming, all of these are very experimental and very helpful. While moving the camera you also have to make sure you have the correct camera zoom/width. What i really found interesting is when you zoom in with the camera and zoom out with the lens, it gives off such a cool effect and camera movement you instantly think how the hell did that happen?
I have always wondered how filmmakers create that kind of effect where the character gets closer to the camera but the background gets smaller. Mike also wanted us to remember why we move a camera and what it emphasizes.
I have always wondered how filmmakers create that kind of effect where the character gets closer to the camera but the background gets smaller. Mike also wanted us to remember why we move a camera and what it emphasizes.
- Enhances/Inflects emotion
- Guides the audience
- Diffuse/Destroy a scene's dramatic conflict
- Forcing/Inflicting/Imposing something else
This is my favourite video that Mike showed us, it is so helpful and shows exactly what the camera movement enhances. While watching the video i have learnt a lot and will use most of these camera movements to enhance my entire adaptation. I will especially play with the camera zooms and widths, i have never used those techniques before and i think it they will really create emotion and that is what my project is mostly about.
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