Fiction Adaptation - Shooting Day

Today was the shooting of my 'Trespass' Fiction Adaptation project and i was happy with the overall day. We started by preparing my actor Vanessa with her hair and makeup, i wanted to make sure that she had a beautiful look set out for the shoot, this took around an hour. While doing the makeup i ran through the shot-list with Vanessa and the whole idea of the shoot since she was rushed into the shoot due to my first actor dropping out! She fell in love with the project and couldn't wait to start, Victoria was also a great addition she helped with the makeup and helped on set.

After we were done with the makeup we drove over to the Maidstone Ancient Aylesford bridge which was out first location, we spent around 2 hours here shooting all the cover shots i needed for the entire project. Vanessa looked great and the sun gave us some great exposure and shadows. I was really happy with the way that the Canon 7D filmed, i usually use the Panasonic or Sony but i wanted to try something different for a change and it is great, light and easy to use. There wasn't a lot of public during our shoot which was also great.

I also took many pictures so i could create a moodboard from my own shoot and also create a portfolio. What i loved most about the Canon 7D is the sun's reflection in Vanessa's eyes, i think this gave the entire story flush. Her eyes told an amazing story as you can see in the picture here. Her makeup also expressed her well! I will also start shooting some other filler clips that will include the atmosphere and environment. I was overall very happy with
Vanessa's work!

I experimented with many different shots, i tried to get a variety so i can choose many while i am filming. Looking back at my clips now i am very happy that i shot in many different ways so i can pick the best ones. Sadly we did not have time to go to the 'Spot Lane' location due to my actors time scale, but i still got enough of what i needed with Vanessa. I now need to go out myself and film more cover shots to fill in the 'Blanks'. I am planning to go to the beach and film more there so i have more experimental shots.

Since i only had one day to shoot due to Kent Film Office only giving me the one Saturday i had to make sure i covered everything i could, i tried to get every shot that i listed in my shot list. I tried to peform as the director/producer on set and had help from my friends/family while filming. I had an advantage on this shoot due to my project not needing any sounds/vocals so i did not have to worry about any sound since i am doing it all in post-production.

It was very chilly while we were filming but the sun came out and made sure it gave us a little bit of warth and great lighting. Vanessa wore a great outfit that represented the mood that the project was meant to be shot in, jeans leather jacket and a messy hair look which is what i wanted her to look like since i wanted the audience to know she doesn't look after herself very well. Since the main location we used was the old Ancient Alyesford i decided to stay around in that area and use the pond/lake to use instead of the 'Spot Lane' location, this saved us time. I made sure to film a big variety of shots of Vanessa the ones i loved most were the 'Extreme Close Ups' they really expressed Vanessa's expressions and feelings, her makeup also stood out which is what i was going for. I also made sure to film shots without Vanessa in them to use them as filler shots.


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