Fiction Adaptation - Script Draft

While preparing for my shooting days which are very soon i needed to prepare a rough draft of a script. Due to my project being different my script is harder to write, since my whole project is more about the visual perspective there is absolutely no talking in my scenes. I have set out to have the entire short movie narrated, i want to shoot effective visuals of my main character and express the story through her expressions and most importantly her movements. I started to think of how to write the script which i will change accordingly to the edit, while writing it i made sure that it was all V.O (Voice-over) and wrote out outlines of what i want the character to think in her mind. It's very hard to explain through text, i just want the audience to understand her pain/story through her narration. This script will help me as i prepare for the shoot it will also help me decide how i am going to create such a art piece. It will all work alongside my camera movement tests. I believe camera movement and expressions are the most important things about this adaptation, as i am using these to tell the story.

I am really looking forward to creating this project, especially because i can really express myself as a film-maker. I am challenging myself with many different camera movements and with this script. I have never created something that purely focused on voice overs, i feel like this is really different and my viewers will really enjoy.


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