Fiction Adaptation - Unit Briefing + Chosen Poem

When having the fiction adaptation briefing i was instantly hooked, i love being creative and this course lets me do this. I am here to create amazing product that will hopefully let me express being a film-maker. When Mike started to introduce the whole project i was very excited, i never worked with poems or sonnets only read them and imagined what i could create out of them. I really would love to adapt a sonnet/poem into a visual production. This unit will help me develop my filmmaking skills by allowing me to adapt someone else's work and letting me try new techniques.

I really want to work harder on my editing skills as that is what i am really passionate about, i love to edit because it gives me the freedom to do anything. With editing i can create whatever i have in mind, hopefully by choosing a great poem i can really focus on creating something hear warming and edit it the way i have always wanted to edit a project. 

We have been given a list of poems to choose from and after hard consideration i have chosen 1 that has stood out to me the most 'Trespass' by John Clare. I read through all of these poems and i can really see a lot of potential in the one i have chosen. I did not want to choose William Shakespear because most of his poems are about love, i want to embark on something different and this poem gives me that ability. I can already see myself creating a create project out of this poem, i have started to brain storm my ideas. 

This project will teach me to take something that has been given to me and create a powerful creation that will embark on someones life, i really want to connect with the audience through this adaptation and i would love to create something that will be beautifully edited.

Trespass By John Clare

I dreaded walking where there was no path And pressed with cautious tread the meadow swath And always turned to look with wary eye And always feared the owner coming by; Yet everything about where I had gone Appeared so beautiful I ventured on And when I gained the road where all are free I fancied every stranger frowned at me And every kinder look appeared to say "You've been on trespass in your walk today." I've often thought, the day appeared so fine, How beautiful if such a place were mine; But, having naught, I never feel alone And cannot use another's as my own.


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