Fiction Adaptation - Shot List

I have started creating a shot list to help me remember exactly what i want to film and to also give my actor a sense of creativity that i want to portray, since my entire short film is based on shots and creativity mostly experimental i really want to make sure i capture beautiful moments and shots. It was absolutely necessary for me to create this shot list, it will make my life much easier when i come to film on the day - i want to make sure i do not forget anything.

I have created 2 lots of the shot list that included all 3 scenes, i have also downloaded a few pictures of certain shots that i want to include in my short movie so i could really create something extraordinary, i need to really focus on key lighting and movement of the camera. Mike had said to me that a montage is what i want to go for and if i focus on creating that i will achieve my goal with this project.


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