Digital News - Project Evaluation

I came into this year not really knowing what's to come but i was very excited when Helen introduced us to the Digital News project, i didn't realise that i was a group project and didn't know who i would end up with. Overall i feel like partnering up with Amber, Joni and Callum has taught me a lot, both of the girls have a lot of experience and they gave me so many tips on filmmaking that i will treasure, it is also fun making new friends! After we got together as a group we started to think of ideas, straight away Amber thought of a free cinema screening that was happening in Rochester from there our ideas started to spark, after more and more talking we wanted to make a project about hidden event's that not a lot of people know about here in Kent. We really based our main idea of the 'Open Air' cinema that everyone always hyped about, we thought it would be fantastic to show people that these things exist, and even get them to go. We really wanted to get s...