Digital News - Wanderlust UK Ideas


Trying to get permission on locations is actually harder than i thought, we have been trying to contact 3 open air cinemas to try and film for our live news part BUT it is so difficult for them to get back to us and give us permission. Both Luna and Moonlight cinema are very popular open air cinemas and we would be so fortunate to film their for our news unit. I have tried many times to call them and ask if they could please get in touch with us quicker but they kept saying the same thing over and over again. Joni and Amber both have emailed these locations as well as Callum with cafes all around Kent, but we just feel as none of these locations will let us in to film.

We then decided to get in contact with circuses that are in town currently and we thought that it would be a very fun way to show that Kent is exciting and fun. When it got to talking to Jo she thought that we should go deeper into a story and have a clearer angle, she thought the cinemas would be brilliant and how we could talk about how they have changed in the past years.

We all started to think that it would be brilliant to investigate how cinemas have changed over the last decade. Now we watch everything online, we have Netflix and Youtube are these making cinemas die all together? These questions could be asked and we could find the answers to them! When we found the open air cinemas we thought that it's a brilliant way to keep the legacy going, a lot of people think of the 1980s when they hear Drive-in cinema, up until now i didn't even know they still existed. I think that the audience would really enjoy this kind of content. We also started to think that there are a lot of independant cinemas out there that work through a family and not a big chain. Here are a few examples.

A lot of these cinemas seem to be located right on the shore, broad stairs, margate, Canterbury? Is there a reason that these cinemas are so far away and not close to the city? I think they would go bankrupt if they were closer to London because locals usually go to these independant cinemas rather than tourists. I really need to push myself to get into one of these locations and get an interview with an organiser because without them this will go to waste. 


We have already created a draft script which lays out the entire story for us, being organised is helping us a lot! We each have a goal/motive and we have all been given one focus, when we all focus on that one thing we can get everything done as quickly as possible to make sure that we can perfect absolutely everything. I really want to make sure that this live tv news unit end up fantastic because we are putting in a lot of work and effort into it, i feel like it could really be a brilliant news show! We have been editing the script together through google drive, each of us has a bit to write like Joni and Amber wrote the TV package and Callum wrote the studio live news, i am presenting the live section and have written my own script for that section. Since we do not have a location/guest confirmed i was not able to fill those blanks in but i hope to very soon. 


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