Digital News - Professional Practice brief

Unit Outcome

  • Engage with and critically reflect on a work based learning experience. 
  • Demonstrate a developed knowledge 
  • Time management
  • Research and development of creative content 
  • Focus on chosen specialism 
  • Report writing/analysis
  • Self directed schedule
  • Freelance work - client liaison
  • Use the time wisely

Helen and Laura are leading this unit - professional placements
50/50 Written report 1500-2000 words
50/50 project portfolio - blogger 

Guidhall Museum - Film Commission 
Option 1 - 2-3 minute about one of the 100 objects that made Kent

Maidstone Studios - Film Commission
Create a 90 second promo film for Maidstone Studios emphasising new brand, prime location. 

Renegade Production Company 
2 Weeks work placement
2 students

2 weeks working n shoots in the office prepping and out on location
Office based: Crayford
Technical Job

Ignition Creative
Through Nathan on Friday 3rd Nov
Post production


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