Digital News - Contributors

Since i have been trying really hard to get contributors to respond to us i have finally heard back from a few people! 

The Escape Hub in Maidstone has agreed to help us out with our studio section, it is a place where you get locked in a room for 60 minutes and find your way out. We thought this would be a great place to film our studio segment! Thanks to Alex we are going to have a great location to film our Studio Segment.

I had also received an email from the Moonlight Cinema who were our main contributors for our Live segment allowing us to come down on Friday the 13th to film whatever we needed. Without the Moonlight Cinema our segment would have been very boring! Thanks to Tom we filmed some exciting things and we can't wait to see what it will look like in the final export. We did wait almost a week for their answer but it was very much worth it! 

I have also started to reach out to many places in Folkestone that we can go ahead and film in, one of the places being Cafe Teria which is an Italian coffee shop located at the heart of Folkestone, luckily we also got permission from the owner to come down and film tomorrow. Since being turned down from the Congo Cafe and the Mad Hatter cafe since they are too busy Cafe Teria didn't turn us down and Benny was more than happy to take on a part!

We have also contacted Diane from the Harbour Arm in Folkestone and hopefully she will meet us for an interview! 


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