Digital News - FIlming day 3 [Folkestone]

What a day today was, today we had our final shoot at Folkestone Kent and it was truly amazing. It was an early start for the 5 of us Me, Joni, Amber, Marcin and Callum. We had to start our day at 8:00AM and finish by 3:00PM. We drove to Folkestone just in time to make it to our first interview that was at Cafe Teria which was great, Benedetto Robbio who was the owner of the cafe was kind enough to talk to us about his cafe and why he decided to open it here in Folkestone he gave us great answers and they were very interesting, he also was a fantastic actor and helped us A LOT! He made sure the coffee shop stayed closed for as long as we are filming and offered us any hot drinks which is more than we asked for. Bennie really did a great Job and we appreciated him very much. We did not have any major complications but the sound, the clip mic was working great but the actual rode mic did not want to co-operate so we had to just try and best to get the best sound from the clip mics. Marcin also did a fantastic job on the day he was so enthusiastic and wanted to learn so much about the history of the Italian cafe shop, he spend some time speaking to Bennie himself to make sure that he understands his story. The cafe was fantastic and actually so helpful for our project even Bennie himself told us that he is having so many youngsters coming down for Velvet hot chocolate rather than elders, already we knew that Folkestone is changing into a more fun and entertaining place.

 While at the Cafe Bennie told us that he came from London only earlier this year to open up this Italian business here in Folkestone, he says there is a bigger opportunity there for him and his family and he is happy about the way it is turning out. He said 'If i ever opened this in London i would have no business at all, everyone parties there' which is very true, i am young and i will travel from Maidstone all the way to Folkestone just to have his amazing Velvet Hot Chocolate. While filming this sequence the lighting was great, we didn't need to use any of the LED lights as this cafe was well lit and looked fantastic. Callum made sure that the sensitivity on the clip mics were adjusted correctly and that the sound sounds great overall. Many thanks to Bennie for letting us film in his coffee shop even after opening hours. After we finished filming at Cafe Teria we moved to the Creative Quarter were everything was so colourful and beautiful it looked amazing on camera especially where we did our introduction with Marcin.

 While filming outside the weather was actually CRAZY, there was a storm approaching and we needed to hurry just in case. Every time we started filming it was pouring down with rain and it was so windy, that was the one thing that really interrupted out filming but it did not stop us at all. We carried on filming and even did 3-4 takes to make sure it is done correctly, after we had filmed the introduction we ran to the harbour arm to wait for Diane who was actually in charge of the sea front here at Folkestone. While we were waiting for Diane Joni and Amber took some cover videos/shots to put in-between the interviews so we can VO a little bit of history about Folkestone. The wind and storm was getting stronger and we started to get a little bit scared as we were standing right at the shore of the sea, so we decided to go into an art gallery that Diane actually owned. Amber and Callum stayed to film the interview with Diane while me and Joni went to the Creative Quarter once again to make sure we have enough creative footage.

 As you can see we had to cover the camera up all the time making sure it stays dry! (you are welcome ferg) one thing we discovered is that we had lost the clip mic bag which was there on he day but we seemed to have misplaced, but this will be payed for if we have to. Sadly it was such a crazy day that we didn't even notice that the clip mic bag was missing. Marcin was such a good sport/actor we really appreciated him coming down all the way from London to help us with this project, i was very lucky to have found him on casting call pro!

After we had finished filming the interview with Diane we only had one more shot to film, the ending. Diane was very informative but her interview was very long, her answers were way too long for this edit! While editing this clip it was very difficult to fit in her interview as it was so long, but i did want to include some bits as they were very helpful and interesting. After finishing up with Diane we rushed over to a classic Fish&Chip shop around the corner to show the typical British sea side activity (it was delicious) We all decided to order some food as we were all SOOOO hungry.

When we were eating the fish and chips Marcin did his last shot while eating, this was one of the easiest shots as it was inside and we were all WARM. Overall it was a very difficult filming day due to the weather but we had to pull through and film everything! We were happy that we did not need to use any lighting as that would be almost impossible for us to set up anywhere! Even though it was raining the sun still shined and we had very good natural lighting. It is not my responsibility to edit the entire Folkestone sequence which i have been doing already, i have done a rough cut already and uploaded it onto YouTube, since then i have improved it A LOT. I am happy overall with this entire project and how it is going to end up. While we had a few obstacles throughout this project we overcome them, it is difficult being a film maker but if you want to be one you have to put up with these weather conditions and obstacles.


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