Digital News - Website Development

I have decided to stay on top of the website development as well as keeping the social media up to date. The website has an about us page that introduces us to the viewers and i didn't actually know what to write on there, so i asked Callum to write me a little description of Wanderlust UK and put it in that section with our pictures on. I also made sure that the website has the colour pallet we originally set up, orange colours mixed in with reds

I think the colour pallet overall looks very nice and professional especially on the homepage! I wanted to make sure that the web page has all of our social media links on it as well as having cool effects when you move your mouse cursor, it just makes it more engaging to the viewer. When i began making the website it looked nothing like it does now, it was plain and simple which is not what i originally imagined! I also added a gmail account and a fake number to make it feel as real as possible. What i like most about the web page is the 'Previous Episodes' tab where our viewers can read about previous locations we have already visited. 


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