Digital News - Location and Contributers Issues

I really hope we get something confirmed very soon and people stop turning us down just because we are student! We also have an issue were we are filming Friday and do not have a presenter for the LIVE section of our production, if worse comes to worse i'm going to have to do it! I've been trying desperately to get permission to come and film in the Moonlight Cinema in paddock wood as they are a great event to showcase in our production, they have already answered a few of my emails and it is looking good! I tried to get my previous actors that i have used in previous short films but they seem to all be BUSY. So i started to post some jobs on casting call pro and see if i get any responses for some great presenters, i used this website last year and it worked great. I need to get a presenter for the studio section and also a presenter for folkestone and the drive in cinema.
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