Digital news - Footage Review

After we have filmed our footage from the Moonlight drive in cinema there was a lot that we filmed and couldn't actually put into the final sequence. All of the clips were interesting and FUN but only a few could be cut into the final sequence. Amber and Joni decided to cut some clips together with me acting in the background and choosing which footage could look great. 

We had a lot of filler clips that Joni had taken earlier in the day of the actual atmosphere that went over the interview stage which looked great. While i presented and stuck to the script there was a few things i missed out, but that was not a MAJOR issue only minor, i had also spoke to many people that attended the event and received some great feedback which worked great with the overall footage. It was dark and we didn't have any plug sockets to plug in any lighting, but thankfully we had some torches to light up my face and any other faces that were in the shot. 

The entire interview made it into the sequence and we added a few filler shots in-between, we also included a few interviews with the public as it just engaged better and it will make the viewers more interested. Overall i didn't like looking at myself throughout this sequence but i wanted to make sure that we come out of this with a great project so i didn't mind stepping in. It was very weird to watch myself and review the footage of myself, but thanks to Joni and Amber all of the footage looked great thanks to their lighting skills! 


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