Digital News - Wanderlust Website & Social Media

I have previous experience in creating websites so i took it on to create one for our News Unit! I had also created us a Youtube channel and a Twitter account, it feels real now! I am really happy with how the website had turned out and how our logo + colour pallet looks. The website has all the key elements it needs to make sure our viewers understand how our episodes work, i added a 'About Us' section and also a 'Previous Episodes' section which covers all basis of the entire project. Callum writes our articles for the 'Previous Episodes' section and Amber made our fantastic logo and colour pallet, while i am working on all the social networks.

Website -
Youtube -
Twitter -
I'm still working on small adjustments but it is looking and working very well, i need to make some graphics on the YouTube channel and we need to upload some Promos for the episode 'Kent'. While working on these they didn't take long to create but i want to make sure that they look the best and work exactly as i plan to. I really feel like the colours work perfectly with the name and also the entire idea, our main 2 colours are mustard yellow and a dark turquoise. We thought these colours would work really well because we added further detailing with the arrows and compasses which fit in with the project. Callum originally thought that a map and a compass/magnifying glass would look fantastic, he first created his own logo and Amber also created one both were fantastic but we stuck to the mustard yellow colour pallet. In addition i feel like the small details like the arrows in the logo feels very adventures which is our entire goal, we want to make sure people understand that we explore the UK fully and find all the hidden gems.
Once the initial colour palette was designed and completed i showed the website and social media to the rest of the group for feedback and they were very happy. We look forward to filling it in with some content. I made sure that all social media links were easy to find on the website and that our brand focuses heavily on the use of social media to connect with our viewers as we discover the UK, i made a Twitter and YouTube.
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