I have been in charge of editing the Folkestone section while Joni and Amber edit the Studio section for the project. Editing this section is actually very difficult due to the time limit, there is so much that i would like to put it but i am not able to because it can only be 2:30 minutes. I had to add Wrap Stabilizations onto most clips as we filmed a lot hand held. Amber and Joni took charge of creating the Trailer for the YouTube channel i have created. Before i began editing i made sure to create bins and sequences to help me organise the footage. I created multiple sequences to make the editing easier.
I began by editing the introduction with adding the graphics that were made by Amber, i figured that it would be the easiest way to start. I imported all the footage and synced the clip mis audio and stabilized all the handheld footage. While editing the interview at the cafe i decided to mic the long shops with the medium close ups as i know that the viewers want to see who is speaking at the current moment. To do this i cut together the shot where Marcin and Bennie are together in a shot and then it cut to whoever was speaking either Marcin or Bennie. I always remember Helen saying she wants to know who is speaking at the current moment. I also did a lot of colour correction to all the different shots we had of Marcin in front of the Creative Quarter as there were so many vibrant colours there that i wanted them to be seen on the final edit.
Once i had assembled the clips and made the project a rough cut i started to add sound effects and background music. Amber will be adding the visual effects to the edit (if needed). I needed to add some coffee background music when we filmed in the Cafe Teria as i wanted the audience to know that we are in that atmosphere. To do this i just looked for some coffee shop music and downloaded it copyright free of course. I also added a door chime sound effect to make it feel fully real, i also took charge of creating the voice over for the part about Folkestone's history, i recorded it with my partner and edited it to make sure it is nice and clear.
I was very happy with the difference that i made from the rough cut to this, with just adding some sound effects and colour correction the whole edit changed and for the better. As you can see in the picture here the colours are so stunning and vibrant i wanted to make sure that our viewers understand how beautiful the creative quarter is. When Amber and Joni finished editing the Moonlight Cinema they created their own title sequences so they will be adding them on after i had finished editing.
This is the first rough cut of the entire sequence, this is before i did any colour correction or any sound effect. I exported it so i can then compare the differences i had made and it was surprising! I feel like the post production is magical it makes the entire vibe come alive!
While coming up with my proposal i really wanted to discover more about John Clare. John was born in 1793 and was a very famous poet, he was born as the son of a farm labourer and did not have much money. Many individuals state that Clare is 'the greatest labouring class poet that England has ever produced' since he came from a very poor background. While reading up on his background it was very hard, he had a troubled childhood and was also sent to an asylum where he had written most of his poems. I chose the Trespass poem due to me really having a strong connection to it. I feel as John Clare felt a lot of loneliness and pain during the time that this poem was written. The sonnet has rhyming couplets and seems less angry even though it is in-fact very sad. Clare really felt despair and pain while this poem was written. Clare was born into a middle class family and felt as he wanted to express these feelings within his other poems. I couldn't really find any informati...
Fashion Fails – Internet Shopping Websites I have actually experiences these issues in the past with ‘Online Shopping’ you can never be sure if what you order is what you will actually get. I have researched a few websites that have this issue and how could we possibly stop them? The first website that has caught my eye is ‘Zaful’ . This online store describes itself as ‘Trendy women’s fashion’ it started off with just bikini sales but developed into clothing also – I have noticed this online store getting more and more attention due to Youtuber sponsorships, Zaful sent Bikinis and clothing for free to popular Youtubers to review them. This is where some of their stuff really came differently to what was show online. Most of their bikinis are VERY small when ordered in a Medium or Small, ‘It would fit a child’ one Youtuber mentioned while reviewing the clothing off the site. You cannot tell a lot from their pictures either, there is no description of mate...
A Series Of Unfortunate Events I have recently been loving quite a lot of Netflix original series. I have realised now that in this century awe can pretty much watch absolutely everything on the go, Netflix is one of the most popular online platform where people can watch brilliant TV series and historical films where ever they are and on any device. Which makes Netflix even more profitable to create amazing series such as 'A Series of Unfortunate Events'. This TV series was inspired by the popular 2004 film directed by Brad Silberling, and also the most popular best selling book series written by Lemony Snicket's. The books began in 1999 followed by the major blockbuster film release in 2004, this really made audiences want more since nothing was made after the film, until now 2017 where we have been given a brilliant Netflix original tv series. The series took a different turn compared to the film, of course this could be mostly due to having a bigger bu...
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